The agent has long been the individual one invoked when seeking life insurance coverage. The agent has always been the expert who had the relationship with the customer and work on behalf of the client for the right product at the best rate. But wait a minute! By definition, the agent is "one authorized representative of an insurance company that sells and services of insurance contracts." Therefore a plu degree or less is also representing the interests of the insurance company, which may open the door to conflict.
Perhaps that is part of the reason more and more life insurance is sold on the internet on the web sites that employ sophisticated quoting software to compare rates between insurance providers and to provide data for comparison to the client, automatically regardless of what business has the lowest rate.
Here is how the process online. The person search term life insurance quote. It is presented with a choice of many web sites corresponding to the search. On the choice of the site, the login page presents a quote form. Several simple questions are answered on the date of birth, sex, if a smoker or step, the State of residence, the amount of coverage required, the term desired of the insurance policy, and if premiums will be paid every month or every year. That's all! The form is submitted and a few seconds software collects information from dozens of insurance providers competing for the site speed, amounts, etc. requested on the application form. The comparison information is provided to the applicant and it allows you to select the best rate.
Although there are still insurance agents in the business of selling insurance for certain insurance contracts, the trend today is for the person to go online and to use a site citing which makes available all providers rates without obligation to any business. In the process online agent no role in obtaining a quote for life insurance term.
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